Chicago 2001 : El Rancho Orphanage Part 11 “Look, I’m Nico!”

I never experienced the reality of Winter until I moved to Chicago. I’d seen a birdbath freeze solid in Arkansas and passed through dark and snowy versions of New York and New Jersey but it wasn’t a reality I had actually lived with. It must have been toward the end of 1999 and I was waiting for the Fullerton bus to go sell furniture when I touched my hair and was surprised to find it hard and sculpted. I had only ever used styling gel for a tiny second in Junior High School when I was trying to overcompensate to fit in before Grunge and Alternative kicked in and the Thrift Store clothes I had grown up in and been mercilessly teased for wearing suddenly became cool.

It took a solid minute of probing around my scalp to get to the bottom of the mystery: I had run out of the apartment with my hair still wet from a shower and it had frozen into place in that post-shampoo pompadour.

I’m just saying that a lot of the things people from colder climes know instinctually were only introduced to me through trial and error as a young adult. That if you put cold hands into neoprene gloves the only thing they’ll do is keep them cold like a thermos that can hold both chilled cocktails and warm coffee. That if you are walking along North Avenue for several miles your face will freeze into place like a setting papier-mâché mask multiple times and you’ll need to step into convenience stores and wait for it to thaw.

That the end of a year feels like the end of the world and you’ll get depressed and cry and imagine yourself in a dark landscape full of wolves and fire until it one day miraculously starts being Spring again and that doesn’t happen until way after January First.

It was probably all January: the overdose, the cops kicking our walls down and the orgy of destruction that finally forced the slumlord that all our older peers described as really nice to kick us out.

We never had a mirror in the enclosed bathroom but somewhere near the end we had a gigantic hole in the shoddily constructed wall. I was shaving for work when Dave came over and stuck his head through the gap while pointing to any little areas I might have missed on the corresponding sections of his face:

“Look, I’m Nico! I’ll be your mirror…

The tiny little bathroom became an epicenter of destruction. Somebody had tried to hang themselves and brought down an entire section of the office building style drop ceiling. Eventually both the sink and toilet were also smashed when somebody went on a drunken rampage using one of those retractable belt divider things from the front of night clubs as a sledgehammer.

The kind with concrete on the bottom to weigh it down. It’s kind of impressive that whoever it was got up the strength to swing it like that.

This next part was captured on video with Jamie’s Hi-8 camcorder and became as popular in the last days television lounge as Justin One’s exotic pornography selections and a VHS tape full of 1980’s era regional commercials we discovered after Suzy Poling showed up and got us stoned.

John and Jamie are drinking together when John misplaces his cigarettes. When he fails to find them he starts swinging around a leftover cane or crutch from somebody’s foot injury. Jamie is egging him on:

“Where’s John’s cigarettes? Where’s John’s cigarettes?”

John hooks his weapon into the corner of a fluorescent light fixture and wrenches it from the ceiling. Jamie has just enough time to scream “they’re not in the ceiling!” before the object comes crashing onto John’s head and knocks him from his feet in a shower of sparks and the surging light of exploding illuminated fluorescent tube bulbs. Somewhere in the chaos somebody identifies the situation as a medical emergency and takes John to an Emergency Room.

He came back with staples in his scalp and I joked that he was so much of a stupid hipster that he was physically becoming a zine.

Ray, our Cosby Sweater wearing Eastern European landlord, and his maintenance guy Arturo never really “got” us but at this point things got dialed up to open contempt. We were all evicted effective more or less immediately and the hostility began to be felt at Congress Theater events. Arturo glared at anybody who had ever been seen in El Rancho while operating a popcorn machine at the Fugazi show. By August I had just walked into Ladyfest Midwest Chicago when Ray spotted me (the curse of being 6’5”) and angrily pulled me from the crowd:

You don’t come in here! You are garbage! You pay fifteen dollars to come in? Here’s fifteen dollars to leave!”

He paid me from his own pocket and assembled the entire security staff so they would recognize me on sight. Fortunately I had lived in the building long enough to be familiar with some more esoteric stage doors and was able to slip back in to see my new favorite band: The Need. They were selling merch on the sidewalk out front to avoid having to give a cut to the venue and I was filling out my collection and probably gushing when I caught the eye of Denver’s Rainbow Sugar.

They must have recognized me from the descriptions provided by Nate and Josh from Friends Forever. The excited buzz of the conversation caught the attention of venue security and I was ordered to stand at least 500 feet from the doors on the other side of Milwaukee Avenue. My final memory from El Rancho was being accosted by Arturo while peering through the front door to see if there’d been any visible improvements. We told him we “just wanted to see what it looks like”.

What do you mean how it looks like?”, he fired back in the inimitable tones of actual hatred.

It looks how you left it! Just like shit! Just like you!”

Chicago 2000 : El Rancho Orphanage Part 10 “Mostly Because I’d Be Prostituting Myself To You For Drugs”

Justin One had been the first to bring heroin into El Rancho but he wasn’t trying to help anybody make a habit out of it. He had a basic understanding of how to drive to the West Side and cop and he gave Matt some crack he had lying around because he bought it on accident but only with a stern warning:

That stuff will eat holes in your brain like Swiss Cheese!”

Justin Two was fundamentally different. He knew the corners, crews and housing projects of Chicago’s open air drug markets the way that most of us knew the bands and labels of its regional hard core scene.

I’m not sure exactly how or when Justin Two showed up but I somehow picture him as coming from the basement. The basement was always essentially lawless: anyone could spray paint on the walls, smash bottles and old televisions or practice for as loud and as long as they wanted. By the time we were getting evicted somebody was trying to plug up the drain and run the water until it had become an incredibly filthy version of a swimming pool.

Obviously it is physically impossible for Justin Two to have set a single foot within the basement without first passing through the upstairs living area and establishing some form of valid reason for being there but that is where the recklessness and lifestyle that he represented found purchase.

Justin Two worked construction jobs and drove a White Bronco like the famous OJ Simpson one. Or maybe someone who was there will tell me that it was a similar looking but different car, I’m kind of face-blind and car-blind. He seemed like he had a rough urban poverty style childhood: He would talk about how his father used to be an intravenous cocaine addict a lot.

“Justin Two”

Justin Two was and is a conventionally attractive, classically handsome man but for reasons I never saw the bottom of he was only capable of approaching sexual relations from a purely transactional viewpoint. I have never seen him even kissing another person without first negotiating some kind of exchange of drugs or money. When we shared a basement at the Red House he would bring home girls from parties and I would fall asleep listening to him tell them over and over that they would owe him sexual favors if they smoked his crack with him.

It could certainly be argued that he had some form of a healthy prostitution fetish but I can’t help but think that some level of deep self loathing was also at play. On a night like many others we had been driving around the South and West sides, visiting various drug spots and consuming hard drugs. After a hit of crack he seemed to find himself in the desperate throes of urgent libido the drug is known to trigger:

Hey Ossian, if I bought you some more crack and some more heroin do you think it would be possible for you to fuck me in the ass?”

“No Justin, I think that that would probably be weird.”

Why would it be weird?”, he whined in a tone that was bordering on incredulous.

“Mostly because I’d be prostituting myself to you for drugs.”

The statement left little room for continued argument and the matter was not broached again, at least not with me. We continued to buy our own drugs or I bought them for him in exchange for a ride or he bought them for me when he didn’t feel like getting high in the middle of the night by himself.

I can’t remember if this was back in 1998 or one of my post 9/11 visits to San Francisco but I remember looking through a street level window in The Tenderloin and seeing a clearly lettered sign above somebody’s bed that very much reminds me of Justin Two’s attitudes on this topic:


I have talked about The Beautiful Mutants show and the post-Confederate Flag Burning house meeting but I need to touch on another watershed moment in the evolving El Rancho timeline: Jamie’s overdose. Jamie was almost always drunk, had a Mohawk and usually wore a blanket so there were a lot of stupid jokes comparing him to a Native American. I don’t know how much experience he’d had with hard drugs before the Winter of 2000 but once it started going around he was getting in on it.

It was only a matter of time until somebody was going to do enough dope to stop breathing and that ended up being Jamie.

We didn’t know about how you’re supposed to say somebody is “not breathing” instead of spelling out that it’s an overdose on the 911 call. We hadn’t made contact with the Chicago Recovery Alliance yet and gotten prescriptions for the life saving drug Nalaxone. Somebody in the house must have had an early cell phone because we didn’t have a land line. I think Kiki or whoever it was that called was still on the phone with the dispatcher when the cops kicked our front door in.

They didn’t care about whether or not Jamie was still breathing, they just wanted to catch somebody with actual drugs and arrest them. It seemed like they had been watching us for a while and anticipating just such an occurrence. While the female cop in the trio was tasked with the “grunt work” of individual pat downs her two male colleagues made themselves busy kicking the walls of our rooms down and spilling anything that was on a shelf onto the floor.

I just tried to look up the meaning of the Chicago Police Department flag and ended up on a website where the word “HISTORY” is spelled wrong. It gets a little more esoteric than I was expecting. What I’m trying to get at is that if one of the points of one of the stars is supposed to represent clear communication with the community that duty was not neglected:

We don’t like your kind of people around here!”

In large cities around the turn of the millennium it often felt like the only actual training the police had received was a steady diet of ‘80s cop and action movies where the punk rockers were always the bad guys. Andy Hyde had bright pink hair that wasn’t actually spiked but did stand up on the different sides of his head, a “SHUT UP BITCH!” T-Shirt and a pair of pants that lacked pockets and were held together by safety pins. All three of the cops had zeroed in on him as the obvious drug dealer in the room. They referred to him as “SHUT UP BITCH GUY” and took turns patting him down for drugs there is no plausible way he could have been holding unless they were in a body cavity.

Meanwhile Justin Two, clean cut and half Puerto Rican, was nervously pacing around in a black leather trench coat. I don’t think he was carrying drugs either but I was a bit surprised that they never even searched him.

An ambulance arrived and saved Jamie’s life. We never fixed the front door and it continued to flap open in heavy winds for the rest of the Winter. Most of the walls stayed knocked over and we slept in the lean-tos and open spaces that were left behind. Justin Two spent the rest of the night looking for a piece of crack on the basement floor that he had evidently dropped into the rubble at the moment of the raid, earning him the nickname hubba pigeon from an early internet list of hard drug related slang terms.

I want to say that this all happened before everybody went to California for Christmas but it just as easily could have been after the New Year’s Rave. I missed the Rave because I had stuck behind in California to go see Marilyn Manson in San Jose with Lil Four and Nick Feather. I was getting surprised before by how much had happened in a very short amount of time but now I’m having the opposite experience. I had thought that I had showed up on January 1st or 2nd of 2001 moments after the Rave but it turns out the Marilyn Manson concert was on January 10th.

I know that we broke a bunch of shit and got evicted some time after the Rave but it couldn’t have been in early January. I was underestimating how long we spent breaking and smashing every corner of the space until our landlord had no choice but to evict us. Now that I think about it we had to have been smashing shit for all of January and quite possibly into February.

I’ll get to it next time.